Logo Betsy, Software, Betonfertigteilindustrie
Betsy ERP Software
Betsy is a perfectly integrated ERP System that meets all the requirement of the precast manufacturers who produce structural and architectural elements.
 Ourproducts andservices
64th Concrete Solutions, February 18th to 21st 2020 in Ulm

In the last 18 years we always presented our ERP-system as exhibitors of the Concrete Solutions in Ulm (Ulmer BetonTage), Europe's largest precast congress. We will be there again next ...

User Meeting 2020
Due to the current situation, we had to reschedule our user meetings. Also this year there will be two user meetings. On Thursday the 17.09.2020 we will meet in the Haus der Begegnung in Ulm. The second meeting will take place on Thursday 12.11.2020 at the Mecure Hotel in Potsdam. Both meetings will be held between 9:00 and ...
Bill of Quantities and Betsy 3D-Module

We recognize, that the use of 3D-CAD in the technical offices of our clients is booming. The general use is still in case of a contact only. But we have some clients now, using the 3D-possibilities of the Betsy-3D-module to generate a bill of quantities for estimation by creating a 3D-model. Reasons can be found in the enhancements we put into this module, making it easy and efficiently to ...

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Betsy.NET ERP System
Download Brochure
You are a precast manufacturer that wants to evaluate key performance indicators, to track cost centers and profits but also be able to provide your partners the best offers and accurate information about your business and commercial relationships?

With Betsy all these objectives are fulfilled.

We bring together the latest technology and more than 20 years of experience in order to meet our clients' needs through our BETon ERP SYstem: BETSY

The MS-Excel like user interface enables quick and easy use of the system and along with the sample database can help understanding the system from the day one.
Betsy delivers information on a key click about:
- Projects which earn/lose money
- Products which earn/cost money
- Failures in estimation
- Failures in production/erection
- Sales value of parts in stock
- Raw materials in stock
- Productivity
- Mould capacity forecast
- Project status (% produced, erected, invoiced)
- Monthly company results (turnover, profit, etc.)
 Read more on introduction of Betsy.Net.  
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